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NoveList Plus: Find reading recommendations for all ages, series lists, and more. Great for learning about popular books and topics. Includes fiction, nonfiction and audiobook recommendations and reviews.
Scientology presents itself...
Ring in the holiday with eighteen writers who extol, excoriate, and expand our understanding of this most merry of Jewish festivals as they offer up funny, irreverent, and, yes, even nostalgic takes on a holiday that holds a special place in Jewish hearts . . . and stomachs.Pieces by Jonathan Tropper, Jennifer Gilmore, Steve Almond, Joanna Smith Rakoff, Adam Langer, and others address pressing issues: what is the weight gain associated with eating
...Need a good laugh? Who doesn't? Find mirth and spiritual refreshment in Heavenly Humor for the Cat Lover's Soul, featuring devotional readings drawn from fellow feline fans. Seventy-five readings will make you laugh, chuckle, chortle, and snicker. And every reading points you to the heavenly Father who knows all about you—and loves you completely.
You love Christmas carols—now learn the "story behind the story" for 40 of the best-known songs of the season, each with a devotional twist! From "Angels We Have Heard on High" to "We Three Kings of Orient Are," from "The Birthday of a King" to "O Holy Night," the carols of Christmas each have an amazing story to tell—about the birth of Jesus, or even the birth of the song itself. This beautifullydesigned full-color gift book makes
...Need a good laugh? Who doesn't? Find mirth and spiritual refreshment in Heavenly Humor for the Dog Lover's Soul, featuring devotional readings drawn from fellow dog devotees. Seventy-five readings will make you laugh, chuckle, chortle, and snicker. And every reading points you to the heavenly Father who knows all about you—and loves you completely.
25 photos. (World Religions)
In the days before the attack on Pearl Harbor, America was largely focused on the war in Europe, but when planes dropped out of a clear blue sky and bombed the American naval base and aerial targets in Hawaii, everything changed in an instant. December 1941 takes you into the moment-by-moment ordeal of a nation waking to war.
In December 1941, bestselling author Craig Shirley celebrates the American spirit while reconstructing
...12) Information Hunters: When Librarians, Soldiers, and Spies Banded Together in World War II Europe
The inspiration for the film starring Anthony Hopkins, journalist Matt Baglio uses the astonishing story of one American priest's training as an exorcist to reveal that the phenomena of possession, demons, the Devil, and exorcism are not merely a remnant of the archaic past, but remain a fearsome power in many people's lives even today.
Father Gary Thomas was working as a parish priest in California when he was asked by his bishop to
New York Times, Publishers Weekly, and Wall Street Journal bestseller!
An incredibly thoughtful, disarmingly funny, and intensely vulnerable glimpse into the life and ministry of a woman familiar to many but known by few.
“It’s a peculiar thing, this having lived long enough to take a good look back. We go from knowing each other better...
"Gift from the Sea is like a shell itself in its small and perfect form ... It tells of light and life and love and the security that lies at the heart." —New York Times Book Review
The Vatican's silence in the face of Nazi atrocities remains one of the great controversies of our time. History has accused wartime pontiff Pius the Twelfth of complicity in the Holocaust and dubbed him "Hitler's Pope." But a key part of the story has remained untold.
In this book, Thich Nhat Hanh—Zen monk, author, and meditation master—distills the essence of Buddhist thought and practice, emphasizing the power of mindfulness to transform our lives. But true mindfulness, Hanh explains, is not an escape. It is being in the present...
The Fun Book for Christmas tackles everything Yuletide. Readers get a lively little book packed with big ideas, from reinventing old family traditions to creating fun, new ways to enjoy the holidays with family and friends.
New ideas for Christmas cheer include delivering a fully decorated tree to a family in need, downloading a fun holiday music mix, or having an earth-friendly Christmas by recycling or buying a replantable tree.
...It's time to come together and renounce the politics of rejection, division, and greed. It's time to lift up the common good, move up to higher ground, and revive the heart of democracy.
In a single, rousing sermon, the celebrated Reverend William J. Barber II of the Poor People’s Campaign...
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